In designing the website, Scott and I thought it would be good for me to have some new, fresh photos of me to include throughout the website. And these are the results! The photographer: my ever-so-talented husband. The model: me! The location: the beautiful Colorado.
Now for those of you who have known me for a long time, you know that my whole life I have loved being in front of the camera. I was always the one who asked my mom to take pictures of me rather than her having to beg me to cooperate for a few shots. I will say that while I love being behind the lens more, being in front of the lens was a fun change. Even if it was only for 20 minutes.
What I learned from this experience:
1. Having the photographer talk to you and guide you through the shoot is imperative. Scott, while being a very gifted photographer, did not really guide me through the shoot. So, I had to rely a bit on my own experience in posing people to pose myself for these photos – but I was reminded again about how important it is to communicate with your client through the entire shoot so that they feel confident.
2. Walking up a flight of stairs while looking backwards over your shoulder and smiling is difficult.
3. The no-smile is not a good look for me. Most women pull this off beautifully – they look very etherial and seductive. I look like I want to kill you. Scott, I’m sorry if I made you pee your pants by looking at you in this way.
4. Being appreciative of and thanking your photographer for their time is never a bad thing 🙂 It will make them want to take more photos of you in the future and remind them that they love what they do.
Back to being behind the lens,
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